Two Zero One One : )


So this is my first post for 2011 . *excited :D Semua blogger dah wish happy new year kan? Takapa, jadi last person wish pun special juga kan kan? *megada - ngada lah kau Tasha! :D So, how's the celebration huh? Me? we just celebrate malam malam di Afamosa ;) wahhh! sangat best dann menarik ter amat tahuu semuaa orang datang tengok kat padang Afamosaa tuh, pehhh! tak macam ramai gylee pulaa berkeromon kat situ sebab nak tengok bunga api tu meletup letup time tepat pukul 12.00 am punyee pasal (: Anw mmg syokk gylee lahhh! dengan lampu kelip kelip nyee , fuhhh! macam dilemaaa gituhh, dengan suasana di Afamosa yang menarik tak ingat duniaa ^^ decoration Afamosa (christmas) huhu! lawa lawaa lawaa ;D baby I likeee it yaww! *ishh kepohh laa minah ni kann? :D So, teriakk new year ter gylee lah kentang woaaahhh! *overdosee ==' Ape kesahh? bhaaha ;D



Happy New Year people! 2011(:

May this new year brings a lot of enjoyment and happinesss . Let's 
forget the past . Let the past be the past, start over the new one .
Hoping that I could be a better person and nak tinggi boleh? Haha!
Semua ada azam baru kan? So, may all your dreams come true and
may Allah bless you in this new year! Please be nice to me 2011 :D 

Thanks sebab baca sayang. If suka, like lah :]

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